- Der Bund 10/09/2024, Martina Hunziker [link]
"Was für eine musikalische Sternstunde ... Die Intimität und Zärtlichkeit, mit der das Ensemble die hebräischen Lieder nicht nur singt, sondern lebt, legt sich wie eine warme Decke über die zum Bersten gefüllte Mansarde."

- DIAPASON, no. 729 1/2024, Denis Morrier  [review of our recording of Cavalieri's LAMENTATIONS]
"A model of historically informed interpretation and an achievement of staggering expressive power." ["Un modèle d'interprétation historiquement informée et une réalisation à la puissance expressive sidérante."]

- Toccata 122/2022, Johan van Veen [review of a concert in the Utrecht Early Music Festival, August 2022]
"The whole concert was a hit. A beautiful program performed by an excellent ensemble with four beautiful voices." ["Das ganze Konzert war ein Volltreffer. Ein wunderschönes Programm, dargeboten von einem exzellenten Ensemble mit vier wunderschönen Stimmen.]

- de Volkskrant 4/9/2022, Merlijn Kerkhof [full article]
"... the programme of Profeti della Quinta, the ensemble dedicated to the art of the madrigal, was phenomenal. Perfect intonation and articulation, lyrics full of sexual allusions rolled out to Verdelot's brilliant music."

- Region im blick 14/6/2022, Sabine Zoller [full article]
"Der qualifizierte Chorleiter aus Rastatt lobt nicht nur die Auswahl der Stücke, sondern auch die Präsentation, die 'auf sehr hohem Niveau sehr weich und liebevoll interpretiert' sind und urteilt: 'Das ist Weltklasse!'"

- Thüringer Allgemeine 26/6/2021, Jan Kreyßig [full article]
“This virtuosic recreation of early baroque theatrics became a feast for the senses.”

- Ha’aretz 26/02/2020, Amir Mandel [full article]
"A sequence of top quality performances - polished and moving at the same time... On stage the two ensembles [Profeti della Quinta and the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra] were as one, musical, sensitive, and highly professional."

- Tiroler Tageszeitung, 24/9/2019, Markus Schramek [highlights translated by Sharon Prushansky] [full article]
"The singers and instrumentalists were telling the biblical story of Joseph in a soul-stirring manner (it can hardly be described less bombastically). The pull of the composition is tremendous; after only a few bars the listeners were completely immersed in the performance. The director Rotem gently waived the threads of the plot on the harpsichord. One rarely experiences such a fascinating Bible reading."

- freiamtplus, 11/06/2017, Bettina Leemann [full article]
“Der Klang und das Zusammenspiel des schweizerisch-israelische Vokalensemble, das dabei entstand, war für die BesucherInnen sehr ergreifend und mitreissend. So hatten sie diese Art von Musik bestimmt noch nie erlebt.“

- Ha’aretz 23/11/2017, Amir Mandel
The concert of Profeti della Quinta and Ensemble Barrocade marked an extraordinary achievement: an impressive and entertaining performance of “L’Orfeo”, often called the first great opera in history, and the earliest of the three surviving operas by Claudio Monteverdi… it was the first ever Israeli production of the piece... I enjoyed the sung ensembles, in which the voices blended well and the bitter-sweet harmonies, typical of Monteverdi, were emphasized... The musical direction was in the hands of Elam Rotem, who played the harpsichord and from the same position conducted the players of Ensemble Barrocade. Rotem kept contact with the singers and also sang himself, very well, the role of Caronte. His impressive success in these many various tasks enabled the public to enjoy the wonderful opera of Monteverdi.  [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Bonner-Rundschau 21/9/2017, Felicitas Zink
The Profeti conveyed the refined tempo and rhythm shifts as if they were completely natural… the five interprets immersed themselves completely in Gesulado’s complex a-cappella music… Monteverdi’s Lamento d’Arianna received a marvellous interpretation, rich with affects. [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- General-Anzeiger, 21/9/2017, Guido Krawinkel
Making music with a divine spark; When such highly-sensitive singers as those of Profeti della Quinta plunge into the music, the result is an interpretation which can be scarcely surpassed for its liveliness, performance intensity and joy in the musical details. One was astonished for almost two hours of the Quintet’s concert of Renaissance music by their wealth of nuances… The “Profeti“ sang this affect-oriented music in an exceptionally natural and flexible manner, yet never betraying a sonorous and ideally-blended sound…
The Ensemble was founded in the Galilee region of Israel; Perhaps that is the origin of the divine spark with which they make music. [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- blogcritics.org, 23/2/2017 - Job Sobel
"with the singers’ vivid vocalizing, it was just the kind of effort that frees this ancient music from the museum and dances it out into the town square." [link]

- ECHO, 16/2/2017 - Klaus Roß
“[title:] First-class madrigal singing: Profeti della Quinta amaze and enthrall” “…this required such vocal virtuosos as the five “Profeti”, who presented the full richness of the Madrigal repertoire… anyone who experienced such unique concentration could be nothing but amazed and enthralled by these bold musical creations and the ideally-matched and immaculate interpretation”. “... the seemingly easy manner in which the quintet brought together technically perfect singing and expressive sensuality took the listeners’ breath away time and time again”. [link]

- planethugill.com, 16/5/2016 - Ruth Hansford
"Profeti della Quinta are enthusiastic and engaging champions of Rossi’s work. Their sound is mellifluous and light, yet grounded. Their Hebrew singing has a forward, Italianate quality and throughout the evening they exuded a warmth and charm that was irresistible... The Italian madrigals and Hebrew Psalms were delivered with sincerity and (for my taste) just the right amount of drama... A lovely London début for the group. I wasn’t the only one in the audience who hopes they come back soon." [link]

- Kleine zeitung Kärnten, 15/03/2016 - Helmut Christian
"The enthralled public enjoyed the clear voices, the homogeneity, the great purity of intonation and the sensitivity to the [musical] style." [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Wiesbadener Tagblatt, 11/8/2015 - Jan-Geert Wolff
“The sound is of such a thrilling beauty, that one forgets time and place… emphasized dynamics and perfect diction characterize the manner in which ensemble Profeti della Quinta breathes new life into early music.” [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum] [link]

- Weser-Kurier, 28/7/2015 - Gerd Klingberg
“The meticulous intonation created great sound spaces, which resounded in the Emmaus church with intimacy and transparency… The detailed shaping of the A-cappella singing matched perfectly the Italian text; the mood swings between endless passion and deep despair, with their contrasting intensity, were effectively expressed... The complex intertwined sequences in the Madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo and Scipione Lacorcia , so strongly infused with chromaticism and enharmonic changes, were brilliantly attained...” [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Mittelbayerische Zeitung, 25/5/2015 - Gerhard Dietel
"The six voices sound highly expressive; the Cantus and Altus singers show virtuosic agility, which brings to mind the timbre and playfulness of Cornetti. The way the singers transform the meaning of the text into vocal sound is impressive; Affects of mourning transform into a calm flow of sound, while those of pain and lamenting are expressed in rhythmical lashes and passages almost overflowing with exciting diminutions." [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum] [link]

- Tiroler Tageszeitung, 4/4/2015 - Ursula Strohal
"Profeti della Quinta bring their exceptional abilities for the music of the high Renaissance, singing with flawless intonation" [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum] [link]

- Toccata Magazine 75/2015 - Anne Metz
“Profeti della Quinta sang superbly together and kept a perfect contact between them, without any need for conducting, even not for giving an entrance. They articulated the music clearly and delighted the public with their lively presentation of these highly emotional works, which was full of subtle dynamic and agogic details. They were sensitively supported by Ori Harmelin on the lute and theorbo… the first countertenor Doron Schleifer was the star of the troop with his clear and direct voice, which sounded wonderfully round even in the highest range.” [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- musicologie.org, 12/11/2014  - Jean-Luc Vannier
"...their strong sense of community is demonstrated by sustained eye contact and their exchange of gestures at the times when the music calls for communication between characters. Their interpretation thus displays a level of emotional expression rarely seen, which one clearly feels in the hall. As a group their voices intertwine and adapt to each other smoothly, yet each individual voice can still be clearly identified."
[excerpt translated by Z. Sanders]

- musebaroque.fr, 19/6/2014 - Pedro-Octavio Diaz
"The Israeli ensemble Profeti della Quinta is astonishingly balanced. The voices are very well adapted to the madrigal repertoire and one notes an amazing clarity in their communication of the text."
[excerpt translated by Z. Sanders]

- Tiroler Tageszeitung, 19/4/2014
"Profeti della Quinta performed exquisitely, with their young and fresh voices, blending in perfect balance, integrating with each other and proving themselves also as soloists ... With their superb beauty of sound and magnificent perfection of intonation ... Employing musical freedom, sensuality and charm, they offered in addition an insight into the poetry of the time."
[excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Los Angeles Times, 01/02/2014 - Mark Swed
"graciously sophisticated yet subtly mischievous."; "exquisite intonation and refinement."; "[kadish:] the music and the singing of it were indescribably beautiful." [link]

- New York Classical Review, 27/01/2014 - Eric.C.Simpson
"Making their U.S. debut, Profeti della Quinta were as captivating in person as they had been on screen. The printed programs included text-and-translation, but it was hardly needed. They conveyed the meaning of the poetry with their diction, intention, and phrasing, commanding constant attention with their passionate and emotional music-making." [link]

- The Guardian, 22/12/2013 - Fiona Maddocks
Il Mantovano Hebreo (Linn Records 2013) was named under "Hidden gems of 2013": "...This expertly performed collection of Italian madrigals, Hebrew prayers and instrumental music deserves recognition as a hidden gem."

- LeDroit, 19/7/2013 - Jean-Jacques Van Vlasselaer  
"Ensemble Profeti della Quinta is a sonorous wonder... it was admirably accompanied by the theorbo and the harpsichord... The balance between the voices, the polyphonic precision and the radiant virtuosity of the countertenor soloist, made this concert a feast for the ears and for the soul.."
[excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Pamela hickman's concert critique blog, 23/5/13
"The Profeti della Quinta singers perform with informed- and polished assurance as an ensemble and as soloists.
Theirs is artistry at its finest."

- www.musebaroque.fr, 25/6/2012 - Loïc Chahine
"What a concert! …. From the very first notes, the excellent sound quality of Profeti della Quinta strikes the listener. It has, as is the case with the best groups specializing in the Madrigal Repertoire, a true ensemble sound. The voices unite in intervals of stunning accuracy based on firm intonation, and one hears that every detail is carefully attended to. There is a perfect balance of the voices, one is able follow each part, and the clarity of the counterpoint is impeccable. The details in every line – melismas, articulation, ornaments – are carefully carved, and the whole is clearly articulated. The Ensemble shines in quick changes from one affect to the other: from noble contemplation to jubilation to held-back pain... Profeti della Quinta are like a refined crystal glass – we hope to drink from it often." [link] [excerpt translated by D. Dunkelblum]

- Early music review 143, August 2011 – Andrew Bensos-Wilson
"They exhibited an outstanding consort blend, with beautifully pure vocal tone and intonation... They made excellent use of diminutions, weaving them into the overall fabric. Although all the singers were excellent, the two outer voices of countertenor Doron Schleifer and bass Elam Rotem made particularly significant contributions to the stunning sound of the group."

- musolife.com, 18/7/2011 - Profeti Della Quinta named York Early Music competition winners
"Profeti Della Quinta's stunning authentic performance practice and quality of execution was truly magnificent,'
commented Philip Hobbs, chairman of the judges and chief classical producer with Linn Records."

- Toccata alte music actuel, 44/2009 - Robert Strobl
CD of the month! "Die fünf Quint-Propheten bestechen in ihrer Vokalausführung. Die zwei Countertenöre, zwei Tenöre und der Bass und Ensemblechef Elam Rotem verblüffen mit einer blitzsauberen und hochmusikalischen Darbietung, der man absoluten Respekt zollen muss!"

- Klassik-heute.com, 29/9/09 - Gerhard Pätzig
"Hohe Erwartungen erfüllt auch die fünfköpfige, männliche Vokalgruppe Profeti della Quinta, deren zwei Countertenöre brillant die Sopran- und Altlage zu den Mittel- und Fundamentstimmen abrunden. Auch die Farbmischung mit den gelegentlich hinzutretenden Instrumenten erreicht vorbildliche Verschmelzungsgrade an vibratofreier Gesamtklang-Reinheit und Kultur."

- Vespers1610.com, 22/10/09 - Craig Zeichner
"The performances by Profeti della Quinta are revelations. Here’s the precision and tonal beauty that this music deserves and it makes this CD the essential Rossi recording to add to your collection. I only hope Profeti Della Quinta go on to record more Rossi." [link]. Also - under best of 2009: "It’s about time an ensemble finally made a truly excellent recording of Rossi’s sacred music. "

- Jerusalem Post, 4/3/09 - Pamela Hickman
"The renditions by the Profeti della Quinta, an Israeli group consisting of two counter tenors, two tenors and a bass, were a pure delight. Intonation was exceptionally pure, and pronunciation was clear and more intelligible than that of many local vocal ensembles. The articulation was well-shaped and the accentuations were placed pointedly, though subtly."